CRMag is a software designed to quantify the presence of magnetic fields due to the circulation of currents in an industrial environment.New CRMag PLUS® software available
Since 2022 you can download the new CRMag PLUS® software to try it for 7 days on a computer with Windows 7 or higher, either 32-bit or 64-bit. On this page, you will find all the information about this version and you will be able to download it and consult the user manual.
We have simplified the process to acquire a perpetual license as much as possible. In this video, we show you the steps to follow:
To facilitate the software download, it will be offered compressed as a ZIP file with the password CRMag2021PLUS. We recommend downloading it and extracting it to a Downloads folder. Once extracted, you can run the file CRMagPLUS Setup.exe to start the installation wizard, which will guide you through the process. It is recommended to install the software in the default directory or in a directory that is not protected, to allow the software easy access to its own resources, as indicated in the user manual. The latest update is from July 18, 2022, so if you downloaded it earlier, we recommend downloading it again and reinstalling it. This latest update fixes errors in the calculation of the field produced by double-circuit overhead lines and other minor improvements. Note: It is important to always have the latest version of the software, as it may include important fixes. The link shows the version date and the password to unzip the installer (for example, password CRMag2021PLUS, Version updated on 07/18/2022).
Downloads area
You can download the following items by simply left-clicking:

CRMag PLUS® Information
Once installed, the CRMagPLUS.exe executable can be found in the root directory CRMagPLUS.exe, from which a shortcut is created on the desktop. When the software starts for the first time, it will search for the device's license on our server. If not found, it will allow creating a license request to send by email to, including some data to identify the license in the future (for demo licenses, these data can simply be a name or alias, as they will automatically expire on the set date).
Since 2022, the software can now be purchased in a commercial version. To purchase, an order must be placed using the forms that can be requested from
The cost of a license for the new software is 700€ + IVA, this license is valid for one computer for an unlimited time while the product is not discontinued. Users of the old CRMag® software will be offered a discount equivalent to the cost of purchasing the old software license. To do this, just check the resulting price, and the Polytechnic University of Valencia will carry out the necessary checks to send the offer with the relevant discount. Additional licenses for more devices can also be purchased at a reduced price of 500€ + IVA. Additionally, there is the option to purchase a temporary license, valid for 45 days, for a fee of 100€ + IVA.
Periodically, an online training course about magnetic fields in electrical installations will also be offered, where the use of CRMag PLUS® will be explained in detail, and complete examples will be solved to illustrate the use of the software in real cases. Participation in the course will allow the use of the software in trial mode during the course, and a €100 discount for students and alumni when purchasing a perpetual license.
If you have not received training, you can consult the complete manual we have prepared in the download area.
We encourage you to try the software during the trial period to discover its full potential. Please report any errors, issues, or suggestions to so that they can be considered.
In the following sections, we provide some updates on the CREMIE Project, whose main result is the new CRMag PLUS® software, along with information on the old CRMag® software, which will be updated with information about the new software that replaces it, leaving the old one discontinued.
Here is the link to the video where we presented the final commercial version of the software in January 2022 through the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Madrid.
Latest news
In 2020 and 2021, the CREMIE Project was developed, thanks to the funding from the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI). This project for the Adaptation of an innovative and powerful tool for calculating and representing magnetic fields in electrical installations for engineering companies falls under the action line L1. Valorization, transfer, and exploitation of R&D results by companies in the program of Valorization and transfer of research results to companies. To learn more about it, you can check the information about the CREMIE Project.
The improvements this software offers compared to the previous one are immense, both in ease of use and in calculation and output power. These improvements were already presented at the session held via the Youtube channel of the Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Valencian Community in September 2021, which you can check by clicking here and at the session held at the Official College of Technical Industrial Engineers of Valencia which you can view below.
In summary, the following table compares both versions in various aspects.

As a simple example of the software's possibilities and improvements in graphical output, below is the result of the magnetic field calculated in a real substation. The tools can be tested to interact with the graph.
As you can see, it is a fully interactive and very user-friendly contour plot. Another example is shown below, where all the spans of an overhead line can be seen, along with their ground elevation profiles. The magnetic field of this line can be easily calculated in the new software. You can zoom in using the mouse wheel. The tools allow interaction with the graph. Left mouse click allows graph rotation, and the right click allows panning.
The best way to experience all these improvements is by testing the software, so we have made a 7-day free trial available. We encourage you to try it and here we provide general information about the old CRMag® software, which we will update with the new one. Finally, here is a video list that we will gradually add more content to about CRMag PLUS.
Information about the old CRMag® software
The presence of magnetic fields due to the circulation of industrial frequency currents has repercussions on the health of living beings. Hence the importance of being able to quantify these fields under normal operating conditions of the facilities, both inside and around them, in order to take the appropriate corrective measures.
CRMag is a simple but powerful program for the calculation and three-dimensional representation of the magnetic fields produced by the circulation of currents in electrical installations.
The following video shows a simple example where the program is used and the results are compared with those measured in the laboratory".
The problem of calculating this type of field is often solved using finite element simulation software, which is ideal for obtaining detailed results in specific areas of the facilities (next to electrical machines, for example). However, this type of software, such as ANSYS, MATLAB or others, is not suitable for large areas of land (industrial warehouse, electrical substation, transformation center and surroundings, overhead line ...), since the amount of memory to be used and the necessary execution time would be unfeasible with current computers.
To solve the problem described, this software has been designed based on the integral equations of the magnetic field produced by intensities, which allows calculating the fields produced by the low-frequency currents of the conductors over a large area, which may include the facility and its surroundings (the upper floor, the outside of the boundaries of the plot, etc.). The set of wiring that constitutes the electrical installation is broken down into small parts and a numerical integration of the effects of each element is performed on each point of space. The effect of power transformers on the surrounding field can be roughly estimated using the examples included in the software documentation. The calculated field is the field undisturbed by the presence of large metallic elements or ferromagnetic materials. The reports that can be obtained with this program are valid to meet the requirements imposed by the Regulation of High Voltage Electrical Installations (2014), regarding the emission of magnetic fields.
This software is compiled with Matlab, so its use does not require a Matlab license, but the software itself (which is totally independent from the Matlab license).
The software has two distinct sections. The default calculation mode is facilities. In this mode, transformer substations, electrical substations and other facilities can be simulated. The effect of screens on shielded cables can also be studied. The other available mode is that of airlines. In this mode, the field produced by single or double lines can be simulated, whether or not they have a guard wire. In addition, the influence of the guard cable and the effect of considering lines with several conductors per phase can be studied.
In both calculation modes, the field in and around the installation can be represented along a plane or a straight line.
The following diagram describes the operation of the program.

Below is the screenshot of the Installations operating mode.

And the following figure shows the screenshot of the Lines working mode.

The authors are not aware of any equivalent software to date.
The main advantage of the software is that it has been developed exactly for the purpose described above, so the introduction of the data of the installation conductors and their currents has been made as easy as possible, allowing the inclusion of single-phase or three-phase currents and bare cables, isolated or shielded. The calculation of the fields is carried out in a fast and precise way, with a precision that has been contrasted in laboratories and real facilities. In addition, the visualization of the graphical results offers different options that facilitate the understanding of the data and its inclusion in reports and projects (add data labels, show the installation site, add a grid, keep the aspect ratio of the axes , three-dimensional twists, etc.).
Here is an example of the graphical output of the program when simulating the magnetic field in a facility.

Taking into account that the High Voltage Installations Regulation of 2014 (RD 337/2014) requires the calculation of magnetic fields in electrical installations, this software is a very useful tool for their design. In addition, it serves as software for checking predictable maximum field levels, which allow to know the shielding needs in specific areas or other corrective measures.
The main applications of the software are listed below.
- Transformation centers
- Substations
- Industrial Buildings
- Airlines
- Angle braces of overhead lines
- Other electrical installations