Who we are
Inielectric is made up of 2 generations of electrical engineers with extensive research experience
Dr. Carlos Roldán Blay
Titular de univerdidadHe was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1987. In September 2010 he finished his studies in Industrial Engineering with an Electrical specialty at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), obtaining a Special Mention for his academic record. Given his good academic career, he has received a scholarship from the State University Teacher Training Program, granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. In addition, in 2014 he obtained a grant for short stays from the aforementioned Ministry and spent three months at Brunel University London collaborating with the CSEF research group and expanding his lines of research towards the branch of thermal efficiency and sustainable building design. Later he completed his doctorate with international mention in the Industrial Engineering and Production program.
During the preparation of the doctorate, he has collaborated in the proposal and development of European projects together with his research group at the University Institute for Energy Engineering Research. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the UPV, where he teaches various electricity subjects (such as circuit theory or high-voltage lines and networks). Likewise, he is a fourth-year student of the Degree in Mathematics at the UNED.
He has a solid experience in programming and software development, making use of languages such as C, C ++, Visual Basic, treatment of databases with SQL, and web development with HTML and PHP, among others. His main lines of research are focused on smart grids, control and optimization of resource management, response to demand, measurement and verification, and energy efficiency and management in buildings.
He is currently an associate lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Dr. Carlos Roldán Porta
Catedrático de universidadProfessor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia since 1985, he has gone through several categories until the current University Professor. Its activity has been oriented in three directions:
Teacher, teaching a large number of subjects in the area of Electrical Engineering and directing numerous end-of-degree projects, end-of-master's and end-of-degree projects. He is the author (co-author) of numerous teaching documents in many subjects.
– Professional / Technological, has carried out numerous professional jobs for the industry.
– Researcher, he has participated in a large number of research projects, as a researcher and, sometimes, as a main researcher, having always achieved the objectives that have been set for him..
His research interest is oriented to the following topics:
-Improvement of electrical distribution. Improved efficiency and quality of service.
-Nuevas tendencias en la distribución eléctrica: Microrredes y Smart grids.
-Integration of renewable energies in distribution systems.
-Efficiency improvement in industrial facilities.
-The research tasks have given rise to some publications in magazines and numerous participations in Congresses, both nationally and internationally..
He has also carried out management work at the U.P.V., highlighting Deputy Director of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers for 7 years (2001 to 2008) and Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering (from 2012 to 2020).